In the year 1980, some devotees of Sri Ramakrishna pledged to start Ashrama named Sri Ramakrishna Satsang Mandal, Gondia. In the meantime, Srimat Swami Atmanandaji Maharaj of Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama Raipur started visiting Gondia for Spiritual Discourses bimonthly. Later, Swami Atmanandaji Maharaj suggested to start an Ashrama instead of doing Satsang in individual houses. Immediately application was submitted to Maharashtra Bhav Prachar Parishad. In the year 1984, Sri Ramakrishna Satsang Mandal, Gondia got affiliation and became a member of Bhav Prachar Parishad- Maharashtra.
Sri Rajendra Phadke was an employee of State Bank of India in Gondia. He had initiation from the then President Srimat Swami Bhuteshanandaji Maharaj, Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math. He started visiting the Gondia Ashrama at Ramnagar daily. He used to worship Holy Trio and used to clean utensils needed for the worship. Later in 1982, he joined the Ramakrishna Order and became a monk. After his sannyasa, he got the name Swami Suvijnayananda. At present, he is posted to Vadodara (Gujarat) Centre of Ramakrishna Order.
Today, the Ashrama is situated in a land admeasuring 25,000 square feet. Out of which, 10,000 square feet area is utilized for the construction of Shrine, Charitable Dispensary, Reading Room, Sadhu Niwas and a shed for Balak Sangh and Spiritual discourse. Another 15,000 square feet area is yet to be utilized for other activities.